refrigerant gas (r32)
R32 is a common refrigerant that is used in various heating ventilation air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment and is efficient in conveying heat. It is usually packaged in blue colour cylinders. It can lower the electricity consumption up to an estimate of 10% compared to air-conditioners that use refrigerant R22. R32 has a global warming potential (GWP) of 675, which is nearly a third lower. Thus, it is a lower environmental burden.

Some Challenges faced with other Unreliable Refrigerant
- ❌ Erratic Operation: Abnormal pipe temperature
- ❌ Poor Cooling: Insufficient cooling
- ❌ Parts Failure: High amounts of moisture found in compressor
- ❌ High Consumption: Results to unwanted higher electrical consumption
World's First R32 Refrigerant
Choosing a next-generation refrigerant must take into account not only environmental performance, but also other overall factors such as safety and economic performance. As the only company in the world to manufacture both air conditioners and their refrigerants, it is our policy to choose the optimal refrigerants based on a comprehensive assessment of the product application, looking at not just global warming potential (GWP) but also at the impact of refrigerants in all lifecycle stages including manufacturing, use, and disposal, and climate and other factors of the region where air conditioners are used.
Go Greener with the Next Generation Refrigerant 32
- Superior Energy Efficiency
- Lower Peak Power Consumption
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
- Small Conversion Cost
- Better Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP)
- Sufficient Supply Capability
- Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP)

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