Energy audits
An energy audit is an energy assessment to evaluate where a building or plant uses energy, and to identify opportunities to reduce consumption. Depending on the extent of the audit required, it could involve measurement of system critical operating parameters with calibrated instruments.
In a typical building facility, the central chilled water air-conditioning system easily accounts for the highest percentage of the overall energy consumption. Daikin offers its energy auditing services to its clients as a health check for their central chilled water system. We are also able to carry out air-side energy audits for the air distribution systems. With these audits, we can identify, quantify and report on the opportunities for improved energy performance while still achieving space comfort conditions.



Walk Through Audits
- Quick assessment of current air-conditioning system operations and performance.
- Audit report with presentation of recommended improvement measures and expected savings, paybacks etc.
- Typically used as a yardstick to determine whether it is viable to undertake more extensive energy improvement works.
Investment Grade Audits
- Setting up of calibrated measuring instruments on site to measure key operating parameters of chilled water equipment.
- Detailed audit report with graphical plots of key operating parameters of equipment, detailed analysis of existing equipment operational efficiencies and presentation of detailed economic analysis of each recommended improvement measure.
- Typically used as a baseline report for energy saving performance contract, from which post-retrofit performance guarantees are benchmarked against.


Energy Savings
- Determine the potential for energy savings
- Reap energy savings with implementation of proposed energy savings measures
- Energy savings of up to 30% from pre-retrofit consumption can be achieved
Efficiency Improvement
- Highlights any key operational issues resulting in inefficiencies, improve operational efficiency.
- Energy Audit reports can be used for submission for grants etc

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