information security

Proper Management and Utilization of Information

As stated in our Code of Conduct, we shall properly manage and effectively utilize the confidential information of our company, the confidential information obtained from other companies, and the personal information of our customers and employees, and we shall not obtain any information through improper means. We shall thoroughly execute IT security management for our computer systems and the data-resources saved on them.
Daikin is committed to complying with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, please contact us (and our Data Protection Officer) through our enquiry page.

Compliance and Education Efforts

Every year, we conduct self and risk assessment checks to ensure constant compliance with our Group Conduct Guidelines.
Daikin has designed a Privacy Policy and various in-house rules for information protection to properly collect, use, disclose and protect all personal information entrusted to us. For example, data protection officers and others in each division follow these in-house rules in leading employees in the strict protection of personal information.
To continually monitor and improve on our information security system, Internal Auditing Department conducts audits to ensure constant compliance with our Conduct Guidelines and Information Security policy.
We conducted Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) trainings to educate, keep informed with all changes of the Act and improve our policies and processes to comply with the rules and regulations of the Act.