Reiri for Hotel
Reiri for Hotel provides hotel managers with the tool to optimise comfort for guests by remotely monitoring and adjusting the room temperature to an ideal desired level before and during occupancy, hence improving guest satisfaction. This smart control system also helps to reduce electrical consumption without compromising on the comfort level and ease of control.


Energy Efficiency
The interlock function can detect situations such as an open window in the air-conditioning room
Reiri for Hotel automatically switches the air-conditioners off, preventing additional energy consumption costs
Prioritising Guests' Comfort
Assures comfort for guests right from the beginning by ensuring their rooms are cooled prior to their arrival
Time Efficiency
Conveniently control air-conditioners in the entire building with only one controller
Allows users to save time without having to locate each of the multiple controllers in the area



Energy Savings
Save the energy usage, more efficient energy resource using window status to turn off aircon when is open
Ease of Operations
Maintenance staffs have access to control and monitor aircon directly by their phone
Efficiency Improvement
Improve operator efficiency, tasks can be automated for Check-in and Check-out, consequently, the professional goals will be achieved faster