Daikin leads by greening our building and we are glad to be awarded with Green Mark Award (Platinum) by Building & Construction Authority (BCA). Some of the key actions implemented in Daikin Green Building are:
Energy Savings
- Adopting advanced technologies in our VRV system for greater energy savings in aircon.
- Updating building lights to energy efficient LED
- Scheduled timing and temperature settings for HVAC system
- Window films to reduce the solar heat intake from outdoor
Renewable Energy
Daikin Singapore has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by redeeming Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The redemption of RECs represents Daikin Singapore's support for renewable energy generation and its contribution to the decarbonization of the energy sector. Each REC represents one megawatt-hour of renewable energy generation, which could come from sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. By purchasing and redeeming these certificates, Daikin Singapore is effectively funding the development and expansion of renewable energy projects, which in turn helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
This decision represents a major milestone in Daikin Singapore's pursuit of sustainability objectives, exemplifying their proactive approach to minimizing carbon emissions. Through the utilization of RECs, Daikin Singapore effectively showcases their dedication to sustainability, extending this commitment to key stakeholders such as customers, employees, and investors. Daikin Singapore aims to achieve a 25% renewable energy target by 2025.
By leveraging on RECs, Daikin Singapore can effectively mitigate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) (Scope 2*) emissions. In addition, we design and produce energy-efficient products and management solutions that help lower our customers' energy consumption profiles.
Daikin's use of RECs is just one example of how organizations can leverage market-based instruments to support renewable energy generation and decarbonization. As more companies and governments set ambitious climate targets, the demand for RECs and other renewable energy certificates is likely to increase, driving further investment in clean energy technologies and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Redemption of Renewable Energy Certificates for FY22
*Scope 2 emissions encompass emissions resulting from the consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling by a company. These emissions occur at the facility where the electricity is generated, rather than at the company's own facilities.
Water Savings
- Minimising water consumption through 3 ticks WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling) fittings
- Scheduled timing for plant irrigation depending on weather
Building Optimization
- Increase efficiency through Smart Office integration
- Real time data collection to enhance energy management
Optimization through Smart Office and real time data collection
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
- Create conducive work environment through adequate fresh air supply
- Optimize indoor air quality with Streamer technology from Daikin Air Purifiers
- Minimize risk of respiratory ailments through MERV 8 filter and Bio Anti Body filters
- Prevent Mold Growth with Anti Mold filters
- Upkeep HVAC system through regular maintenance and Steam Cleaning
IEQ implementations towards Green Building:
Air Purifier, Filters, Steam Cleaning
Green Landscaping
- Green walls at roof area to reduce heat into the building
- Greenery and trees in the building premises to enhance environment friendly landscaping
Trees, plants and green wall towards green landscaping
Waste Management
- Promote 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) among staff
- Waste segregation into Recycled & General Waste
Waste management to segregate recycled and general wastes
Sustainability is the path Daikin would walk on.
We have the ability to make a surprisingly extraordinary economy: one that can re-establish biological communities and ensure nature while delivering advancement, success, significant work, and genuine security.