How I achieved $20k of HVAC cost savings in 3 months with the Daikin Remote Monitoring System!

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06 Sep 2018 updated | Topic Energy Efficiency


As a business owner, on top of just focusing on top line revenue, operating costs of the business matter as well. Of which, energy costs seem to be an issue that many business owners (myself included) struggle with, for one reason or another.

In theory, regular and proper maintenance of office equipment should minimize unnecessary repair costs, which in turn, translate into cost savings to the firm. That being said, there is often a gap between theory and practice. Despite carrying out regular maintenance on both of my Daikin air-conditioning systems, on and off malfunctions still occurred. Though infrequent, these malfunctions still caused down time and incurred quite significant repair costs – since there was no way of predicting faults (or so I thought).

Having been a customer of Daikin for a few years now, I was recently introduced to the Daikin Remote Monitoring System (RMS). The RMS is a state-of-the-art monitoring system allows convenient 24/7 on-the-go access to monitor your systems, and also provides predictive fault reports based on their proprietary technology and advanced predictive analytics. YES! You read it correctly – the RMS is actually able to predict faults in your system! Let me now share with you why the Daikin RMS is set to revolutionize the way we monitor and maintain air-conditioning systems.

For starters, the RMS has an interface that is both user friendly and intuitive. The real-time feed is extremely useful in monitoring the status of your air-conditioning system. Detailed alerts on faults can easily configured to be automatically pushed through mobile notifications or SMSes. This ensures that the relevant personnel will receive first-hand notifications whenever there is something amiss with the system.

The RMS also allows you to tweak the parameters (error codes, system units, time periods etc) accordingly to your preferences. It is that simple and easy to use! Check out the below screenshots to see how useful and intuitive the RMS is.




I recall that after about a month since we started using the RMS, my team noticed that several units were showing Error Code A3 (Drain pan/pipe choked) every other week, despite the fact that the units were functioning perfectly well and there was no visible leakage. Upon investigation, they discovered that the drain pipes of those units were indeed clogged with dirt and dust! If left unrectified, it probably would have resulted in back flow/leakage and roughly $20k worth of damage to the components. All thanks to the advanced technology of the RMS, that I was able to save on repair costs!

Daikin’s RMS helps you to not only plan maintenance, but also to predict potential faults in your system and help you achieve significant energy cost savings – need I say more? To other fellow business owners, if you are still not adopting Daikin’s smart technology, I sincerely implore you to give it a try! Within months of adopting the RMS, I personally managed to generate ~$20k of savings all thanks to Daikin’s predictive analytics. I am certain you won’t be disappointed with the results.



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